What Comes After 4G? [What Is]

What Comes After 4G?Wait wait wait, we're talking about 5G mobile data now?! Ugh, but we just got 4G squared away. In any case, the ball is already rolling on the next generation of cellular technology, so we might as well figure out what in the hell IMT-Advanced is.

IMT-Advanced will not be the next mobile data technology that Verizon or Sprint or AT&T try and sell you. It's what the WiMAX's and LTE's of the world will look to when jockeying to become the next mobile data spec. IMT has been one of the most influential organizations in developing mobile broadband standards over the past couple of decades, and now that they've put the finishing touches on their IMT-Advanced spec, that trend will continue. Think of it like those proto-cars at auto shows; you'll see them someday, but they'll go through some changes before hitting the road.

Two current standards are currently approved by IMT as meeting their Advanced spec: WirelessMAN-Advanced and and LTE-Advanced, which are based off the pre-existing WiMax and LTE technologies. LTE-Advanced is the obvious front runner, but you never know what could happen between now and then.

This is probably the least surprising part of 5G IMT-Advanced. It will be faster than 4G LTE and WiMAX. Both WiMax and LTE both promise theoretical download speeds over 100 Mbits/second. IMT-Advance technologies will have a theoretical max of 1 Gbit/second. Daily Trends says you'll theoretically be able to download a 720p TV show in 90 seconds or less. FAST.

IMT-Advance technologies will not only to be able to allow more connections at each individual cellular hub, but will facilitate seamless handoffs when moving from one hub to another. Hopefully, that means good things for cities such as SF and NYC, which are affected both by heavy clusters of smartphone users and signal killers that are tall buildings.

More bandwidth means less stress on the networks of mobile providers. Less stress on mobile networks means less of a need to impose data caps on consumers. If IMT-Advance delivers on its promise, we could see upward aspiring companies become competitive by racing to lift data caps.

The earliest implementations of IMT-Advanced could arrive in a couple of years, as Daily Trends ponts out, but it'll be longer than that before you see national coverage and a solid ecosystem of handsets. 4G LTE just grew into its own shoes, which came roughly four years after 3G did the same. Still though, how do you not get excited about 5G?!

Original Image via Lifehacker

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